I have often heard of Filipinos complaining about the unfairness of the world at large towards them. I have also heard of emotion filled testimonies of people ranging from convicted killers to seemingly devout Christians, giving explanations and reasons for their seemingly vile actions after such have come to light. What amazes me, and would never cease to have said effect on my mind, is the fact that, instead being resigned and admitting guilt to the acts they have committed, say their amends, and face the consequences of their deeds, they berate other people; push the blame of their continuing misdeeds as a reactionary effect to other people’s acts and deeds. As the saying goes, “you do the crime you do the time” is sorely unapplied here. What I see is the total disregard for fair and just cause and the apparent unrepentant nature of these people, the moment they try to justify their heinous, dastardly acts. What do they want to gain by their emotional outburst? Some form of camaraderie, solidarity, or people’s compassion by using their own emotions against them? Or is it just within our culture that as long as one’s actions are explainable to cause and effect, no matter how outlandish the explanation would seem or be, it will and should absolve the doer of the criminal nature of the crime thus making it a crime of human passion? Are not all crimes a crime of passion, borne out of one, or a combination, or of all of the seven deadly sins inherent in all human beings, that Dante so explicitly described so long ago in a classical way? It is said in the Bible, that a crime no matter how small, a theft no matter how miniscule the monetary consideration, a slight to a man’s dignity, family and humanity are all considered mortal sins. Sin is sin. And wages for sin is death. Then why do so many people get away with only proverbial slaps on their wrists, mostly with no verbal or physical rebuke from peers when they commit such crimes on a daily basis? Just because of their glib and sugary tongues? Or is it just because they can appeal to the collective Filipino humanity which spurts out of a dominantly docile natured people? A few people stole my friend’s computer servers and cleaned out in totality his Davao satellite office of all furniture and computer equipments. And to my amazement I saw a 100 seemingly educated, working class Filipino people believe in the righteousness of the thieving group, just on the flimsy explanation that the thieves are Filipino, and seemingly devout Christians, whereas the one that they stole from is a foreigner, who just happened to be their past employer, provider of their daily bread and for their families for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 8 years. They then slandered his reputation by alluding to the foreigners weaknesses of the flesh. If you are a devout Christian as you profess, then do like Jesus. Let he be the first to cast a stone that is without sin. Again in Romans, it is said “a man is born of sin”. Christianity teaches it’s devout that sin is our daily staple. We indulge in it as naturally as breathing. But by setting examples, Christians should show the world that it is possible to break out of the yoke of sin, which is man’s birth curse. And even if, for arguments sake, we were to say that the foreigner is wrong, does the crime of stealing from him make you a better person, or a better human being, leave alone a better Christian? You are supposed to be an exemplary example to your people and to the world as a self professed Christian. But all you turned out to be is a lowly thief!!! So stop masquerading as a Christian Mr. Gus Rodano, and stop blaspheming the Filipino people by using the Filipino name in your fight just so as to justify your sins and garner public support. Who do you think you are? Rizal? Lapu-lapu? You are no class hero. You are just a lowly criminal. You are so weak that you want to disillusion the masses into thinking you are fighting for them, when all that you have ever done is line your pockets and those of your close friends and cohorts with the ill gotten wealth, stolen from people who earned it by the hard work and skill. You live in an upscale sub division while the people who toil for you are not even paid their due wages. I don’t see your mortgages on your cars and houses being foreclosed, for I know you are getting paid in US dollars every 15 day billing cycles via your BDO Velez and Robinsons Bank Account. The reason you give your workers for partial payments is that you were not ready to take on 90 fully trained people working for your new corporation? But you are getting paid for the links and connects of said 90 people in full are you not? You are billing GearySEO, DiscoverySD and other clients of Mike for all the work delivered and you are getting paid on time. You tell your people that the money for your legal bills is coming from family funds and not from corporate funds? Bullshit!! All that you have been spending from August 2011, and will spend up to the better part of next year, will be coming from money gained from the work of these 90 plus foot soldiers you have. They say that the devil has a way of making people believe he doesn’t exist. He garbs himself in righteousness and pure ideals, which all turn out to be a façade and as fallacy in the end. A thousand lies can’t deny one truth. Truth takes time to reveal itself, but reveal itself it will. Lies can only serve as temporary smoke screens, for in the end it shall clear and be blown away to the four corners of the world by the truth. You have poisoned the 90 employees’ minds into believing that the other side can’t pay them any better. But the fact remains, the other side pays on time, and in full. No deductions for some fairy tale yarn of a co-operative, no training bond, no phantom SSS, Philhealth contributions. All the deductions are remitted by the other side immediately to said Government agencies. The other side is more transparent than you ever were or are capable to be. You have, for your personal convenience and gain, effectively destroyed the livelihood and seriously diminished the earning capacity of 90 families in this way. Pity the workers who believed in you. For they will lose their livelihood, face criminal and civil cases and to add insult to injury, never get fully paid by you and your partners in crime, for the work they have religiously done and will continue to do at your behest. Their only fault: They believed in a person who is a thief, a liar, and a con artist.
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